Symbol is is the storage object in Flash. Symbol can be the object of drawing, animation, or button. Function of the symbol that is if we create an image / animation and then turn it into a symbol, then the images / animations will be stored in the library. Symbol can be used at any time and more than once in a way take it from the library. How to create a symbol ? There are 2 ways:
- change the object into a symbol
- create a new symbol
Library is a place to store the symbol images, animation symbol, symbol keys, image import, imported sound and Quick Time movie. The library, we can see the name and type stored in it, whether imported or symbolic form. if we click one of the objects in it the image object will be visible in the preview box. Imported or symbol can be grouped into folders and sub folders. Name of a folder or object in the library can we change in a way to double-click on the folder or item you want us to change its name.
Each symbol that has been placed on the stage named instance. One symbol can be used for multiple instances. we can give the instance name is already on the stage by selecting an instance and open the Properties panel.
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