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Timeline, Keyframe, and Layer

Timeline, keyframe, and layer are important in Flash.
  1. Timeline : to show us the number of frames, frame length, and duration of the animation. Timeline also can show the animation process works, whether using a frame-by-frame animation or use the animation tweened
  2. Keyframe : key of each movement can be said motion animation or the beginning or end of each case of replacement of the image on the animation. Timeline can has more than one keyframe depending on the number of image objects is done
  3. Layer : likened to a stack of transparent paper. An animated scene can use more than one layer. we can add a layer in accordance with our wishes.
There are 3 options for the layer, the settings are on the right side of the layer name :
  1. Show / Hide All Layers : show / hide the image layer objects on stage
  2. Lock / Unlock All Layers : lock / unlock the object image layer on a stage for non-editable
  3. Show All Layers as Outline : displays the object image as an outline in accordance with the icon color layer

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